Welcome to Myles Vives's MMA Training Journal for Fighters in the Philippines! By PinoyMMA.com

PinoyMMA's mission is about helping Filipino fighters get better. Pinoys have tremendous potential, and I want to help develop their MMA ability by sharing my knowledge and experience. Here, I'll blog about my personal training sessions, various competitions and events, and random thoughts about martial arts, offering personal advice to help Filipino fighters excel. I encourage all of you to get involved too, posting your suggestions, comments, and valuable insights. We all can play a role in taking our fighters to the next level.

Myles Vives

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Short Business Trip / Mini-Vacaction to the Philippines

I finally had a chance to sit down and get online. It's been a very long and tiring day. I arrived this afternoon and have been on the go none stop until now. It's past midnight, and I'm exhausted--extremely. (And, my damn shoulder is bugging the hell out of me.) I wanted to write a quick blog entry though before passing out for the night.

I taught a private lesson this evening and got some rolling in at New Breed's Rockwell branch in Makati. I also answered some questions that the students had. I rolled 5 rounds and I felt like a zombie each round--seemed like I was just going through the motions. I wanted to roll though and break a sweat so I can sleep well tonight, hopefully.

The guys are getting better and better every time I see them. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think that a good number of Pinoy jiu-jitsu practitioners could hang with competitors anywhere in the world at their respective belt levels. Personally, I think outside of Japan, the Philippines has the highest level of BJJ athletes right now in Southeast Asia.

I took some video and pics of the training, but I'm too tired to do anything with them yet. I'll compile some more footage/pics and post some up in the coming days.

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day. O joy... Will write more tomorrow.

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