Welcome to Myles Vives's MMA Training Journal for Fighters in the Philippines! By PinoyMMA.com

PinoyMMA's mission is about helping Filipino fighters get better. Pinoys have tremendous potential, and I want to help develop their MMA ability by sharing my knowledge and experience. Here, I'll blog about my personal training sessions, various competitions and events, and random thoughts about martial arts, offering personal advice to help Filipino fighters excel. I encourage all of you to get involved too, posting your suggestions, comments, and valuable insights. We all can play a role in taking our fighters to the next level.

Myles Vives

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cross Training with Members of Different Martial Arts Schools

I've had a long day. I started my day at 7am and won't be done until about 11pm. It's around 6pm now, and I still will be heading to the gym at around 10pm for conditioning. In between my study breaks, I visit the PinoyMMA.com forums to see what's going on in the Philippines. I noticed the Open Mat session that New Breed Philippines conducts every month, inviting people from any team to train and learn. It's a great idea and recalling what Jeff said yesterday, I cannot help but encourage everyone in the Philippines to visit the open mat (or any school's open mat).

For starters, schools who conduct open mat sessions are usually very open and friendly (As for New Breed, I guarantee you'd be training with a great group). You can train without worrying that everyone is out for blood. Rather, an open mat session is about rolling to learn from everyone who is willing to share their knowledge. Second, it's a great way to learn more and experience rolling and training with others. Even simply watching will help you improve your game and pick up techniques. Third, open mats are free! You don't lose anything by going and checking them out. You only have knowledge and friendship to gain.

If you can attend open mat sessions, whether it's at a brazilian jiu jitsu, muay thai, or mixed martial arts school, I highly recommend you do so. Even the best cross train train with other team members. In fact, they need to. There will always be the issue of some instructors or teams that frown upon the idea of cross training with other teams. If you're worried about what your other team members or instructor(s) think, I suggest you talk to them about it. Visiting another school without informing your instructor might upset them.

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